Advanced Bioethanol
The product of starch and viticulture residues

Sustainable alcohol fuel for incorporation in gasoline
Cristalco’s Advanced Bioethanol is made from the conversion/transformation of residues and waste of various agricultural processes connected with sugar starch and viniculture. It is a biofuel for use in gasoline engines and meets the current European norm EN15376 and is certified by accredited analytical laboratories.
Mainly French origins
The agricultural raw material for our Advanced are exclusively European in origin, most of it from France. This allows us to offer a bioethanol with exemplary environmental characteristics and reliable availability.
Exemplary sustainability
Our Advanced Bioethanol is a product of sustainable and responsible agricultural practices. It contributes to the fight against climate warming and allows reductions in greenhouse gas emissions ( GHG) of 50% minimum, while in terms of whole lifecycle effects (production, conversion, transport, utilisation) can be up to 95% compared to fossil fuel equivalents. The sustainable nature of our bioethanol in terms of European standards (Directive 2009/28/CE as modified by Directive 2015/1513/CE) is independently certified in accordance with the Biomass Biofuels Sustainability voluntary scheme (2BSvs).
Guaranteed quality
Bioethanol is pure anhydrous ethanol and meets the quality requirements of the European standard EN15376 in force.
Service first: remarkable logistics
Cristalco bioethanol delivery is always carefully tailored to customer requirements: by road (35-38m³ tankers); rail, in single wagons or trains (1000 – 1400 tonnes); or by water, in barges or ships (2000 – 5000 tonnes). In addition stocks at our production sites and at ports allow us to meet any requirement in France or Europe.